I've been getting congratulatory messages from very good friends for the past days. Just some minutes ago, Fr. Bobby who was my catechist in my pre-novitiate year popped out some good words over the Yahoo! Messenger.
Without me telling them the result of my application (for the first vows), the "news" found its way to the right channel.
This string of well-wishers took shape as early as Christmas day when Br. Jun, who stopped by for a quick visit, gave me his word that he would be around for my profession.
I remember that I have not told anyone from Manila about the result. Not even to my very own biological family. In the first place, nobody knew that I applied save for three individuals in the congregation whom I wrote to discussing the content of my application letter. I thought, it's better that way since It'll spare me from humiliation just in case my application would be turned down.
But it wasn't.
While waiting for the result of our application from the provincial council. I told myself that whatever the decision be, I'd be happy to accept it. But then again, I have to confess that receiving a "no" would be tempting, it would be more exciting. Not because of anything else, but it would be a clear manifestation from the Master that I ought to help my family as it faces a crisis at the moment.
Oh, let me return to the outpouring of felicitations and let this lowly blog entry be an official notice: My application to become a cleric for one year was accepted.
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