Before Dixie, my brother, left the country, I asked him to leave his SIM so that I could use it once I go for vacation.
He did.
This morning, I tried to decode the password of his SIM, but it turned out that he changed his code,
or I totally forgot it. Wasting all the three chances the system afforded me to enter the password, it’s now twisting my arm to produce the kilometric PUK code. This could only mean one thing, I made his SIM totally unusable.
I am keeping my fingers cross, and praying that he has kept the pack that comes with the SIM card for the PUK. But until now, it has not shown itself.
I decided not to join the group in conquering Batulao last Saturday. I hadn’t asked Fr. Rey’s permission to be out on this first day of my Christmas break and so, I decided to just stay at home. My being alone has been surprisingly a source of revelry. It felt good that I could just stay in my room for hours without even touched by sunlight.
I’ve been devouring the book Twilight which I got from Dandee. Halfway through it, it’s been an interesting read, but I must say that nothing is so spectacular about the book, and as logic dictates, its film version which hit the local movie houses just recently.
Nothing much is special about the plot. One could summarize it as a love affair between a vampire and an ordinary human. But let me write more about it once I finished reading it.
I brought home some academic stuff to tinker with.
I know. I’m not supposed to do it during the break. But I cannot help it. I don’t wish to be overwhelmed with so much backlog once I return to the seminary next year. I’m sure quizzes would rain on the first school week of the brand new year.
Based on the goal I set for myself, I’d like to finish my paper on the Philosopher-King, re-orient myself with the third metaphysical thesis and review the five thesis we tackled on Cosmology.
If I cover al these three, I’d be able to heave a sigh of relief.
I’m wanting to upload a video in the YouTube, but my internet connection here at home is rather erratic. Let me see what I can do. But please, remain posted.
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