Friday, February 13, 2009

“Jesus looked at him and loved him…”

That little quote above was from Mark 10:21.

It is one of my most favorite Bible verses because it gives me a tangible image of a Jesus who is not only a healer, preacher, nor a miracle-worker. More than these, the passage shows me that He is an intense lover, and being so, He is truly, madly, and deeply in love with that young man.

With us. With me.

Of course, His love goes beyond a mere a long-concentrated stare; it has proven its worth: it has gained for us our salvation!

Having relished this brand of love from the Master, I know, and I am bound to live my life so that others may be able to taste this same love.

But it is not always easy.

Nay, it is always difficult. This call to love is not only directed to those who deserve it. But more importantly, to those who need it most. Even if they least deserve it. Difficult.

Salesians professed to follow Christ, and by this virtue, we are to live this brand of love that he has.

Young people are all enamored of the Salesians because they have seen in them that they are interested in their affairs. They make the first approach. They spend time with them. They are present. These mark the unique brand of love the Salesians are known for.

It’s not make them remarkably special. But this makes them different from the rest.

But this is only achievable, and this will remain possible if we remain in her fixed and loving gaze, If we remain to be in His love, if we continue to contemplate His love.

And unlike the rich young man, we ought to return His loving stare with this bold request: Master, teach us to love like you do.


  1. Beautiful reflection... thank you!

  2. "Master, teach us to love like you do."

    My prayer in these trying times... May God bless us Bro. :)
