Thursday, October 16, 2008

Some post-semestral figures

I was in the study hall tidying my desk yesterday morning when Fr. Mike came and casually handed to me the course cards for Critics and Ethics. I did not immediately look at them to see my grades as I did not want to disappoint myself.

I did not write here that I screwed up in my oral exams in both subjects. I was baffled with the fact how certain philosophical concepts, which I have already mastered days before the oral exams, could still be as unclear to me as I tried to verbalize my answers before my professors.

I tripped over my tongue. I perspired. My mind got blank. It was really frustrating, to say the least. And I was down for some days because of how I illperformed.

But I’m okay now.

Going back to the course cards, I did not want to look at them just yet since I was not ready for the figures I’d see there. But having reminded how grades don’t matter to me anymore myself that I was already over and done with returning to those terrifying events (that is, the oral exam sessions), I looked fixedly at them and was pleasantly surprised with what I saw.

Really, I was praying to just have a decent grade not lower than 2.25. But I guess I have prayed more that I was given much; much that I asked for. But then, I have to give myself some credit for working hard the past months. Sure, I did not deliver much during those oral exam sessions, but I realized that my other major exams (prelim and midterm) and my quizzes seemed to have pulled me up, and I feel better. A lot better.

Thanks, Fr. Mike and Fr. Paul!

I express as well my plentiful thanks to the young people who have been my inspiration to double my effort in my studying. This reward is for you!

And to Jayce, thanks for the usual dose of Grace and Enlightenment.


  1. wow buti ka pa yan ang nakuha mong grade ako hindi huhuhuhu pero ayos lang hehehe..

  2. sipag! hehe.. congrats pareng bro donnie :D

  3. ayus:D hindi aco nakakuha ng ganyan kataas na grades:D

    hindi co na hahabaan nosebleed acoe
